Wednesday, April 11, 2018

CrossFit Day 4

We "affectionately" call tonight's WOD, [Death By Wall Balls].

Tonight we learned our first Olympic lift, the Med Ball Clean. I get the concept, but my execution was something akin to an elephant trying to scratch his nose with his hoof. Awkward and clumsy at best. We then moved on to Wall Balls, which I've done before...just not to CrossFit standards. I've got to work on my squats. It is proving to be foundational to pretty much every move we do and my nemesis. Getting my rear low isn't the hard's getting back up. LOL.

Anyway, the way tonight's WOD worked was we had 8 minutes to do as many wall balls as we could working in Tabata (20 seconds of work/10 seconds to rest). Once our form started to deteriorate, Jeremy would tap us out and we would be done. He informed us that no one in the Foundations class has ever made the full 8 minutes. Blake took that as a challenge. I took that as relief!

The guys used 14 pound med balls and the girls used 10 pound med balls. I made it to 3-1/2 minutes before Jeremy tapped me out with 29 reps. Blake was a beast and made it longer than anyone at 7 minutes and 120 reps.

Tomorrow we graduate Foundations with [Fight Gone Bad]. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

Today's WOD:
Tabata Wall Ball
8 minutes
20 second work
10 second rest

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