Thursday, April 12, 2018

CrossFit Day 5 {Fight Gone Bad}

 Tonight...we graduate from Foundations Class. If a workout designed for an MMA fighter and titled "Fight Gone Bad" doesn't scare you...then you're probably just crazy!

To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I knew the workout would be scaled, but still, I worried about completing it. Jeremy assured me that he had my back ...and of course, he did. I did all the moves like everyone else in class, except the box jumps....I scaled those even lower to a 2 plate jump. I did have to do step ups for part of Round 3 and I also had to use a 10# med ball in round 3 for my wall balls. Otherwise, I worked hard and kept up.

Super proud of myself for completing 174 reps. I wasn't sure what I was even capable of, but had a number in my head of 150 and I beat that!

April Foundations Class
This is my starting picture....I can't wait to see that double chin and extra belly rolls fade away as I get stronger each month.

Coach Jeremy Irvin ...this guy was so encouraging during Foundations. I'm trusting him with my next 90 days and I know he'll keep me safe while I get results.

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